I am a qualified BWRT Practitioner. BWRT can be delivered during a face to face session or via Skype. Please ask if you would like this specific approach.
‘BWRT®’ stands for ‘BrainWorking Recursive Therapy®’, a model of psychology and psychotherapy created by UK professional therapist, Terence Watts, MCGI. Like many other modern therapies, it allows a ‘core of privacy’ so that you do not have to divulge anything you would rather not talk about – in fact, the practitioner only needs to know how you feel and how you would prefer to feel instead. BWRT® is a completely new and different therapy based on the latest discoveries about the way the brain works and how it affects our moods, behaviour and emotions. Only Certified Practitioners have been trained to deliver BWRT® and all have to adhere to a strict ethical code. Find out more at http://www.bwrt.org