Pregnancy & Childbirth

  • Trying to conceive?
  • Struggling with your pregnancy?
  • Worried about childbirth?
  • Struggling with your post-natal recovery?

Hypnotherapy can:pregnantbelly

  • Help you remain calm & relaxed
  • Help you keep healthy
  • Help relieve some of the discomforts associated with pregnancy
  • Help you remain calm, focused and relaxed during the birth
  • Reduce any sensations of any pain you may feel during the birth
  • Allow you to enjoy your entire pregnancy and birth
  • Help to reduce the length of your labour

Hypnotherapy is perfectly safe for you and your baby throughout the pregnancy if administered by a qualified professional. It is one of the few treatments you can comfortably enjoy whatever stage of your pregnancy you are at.

If you want to use hypnotherapy to help with your birth then I advise beginning sessions as soon as possible after 12 weeks of pregnancy.

My Personal Experience

I used hypnotherapy during the birth of both my children and found it extremely effective. I was able to have the natural births I wanted without any complications or medical pain relief and recovered quickly. The hypnotherapy worked so well with my second child that she arrived within 30 minutes of me feeling my first contraction!

Mum-To-Be CD Package

I have developed and produced a comprehensive CD package to help expectant mothers achieve a healthy, enjoyable pregnancy and a natural, comfortable birth. The package includes 5 tracks:

Track 1: Pregnancy (12 – 28 weeks)

Track 2: Birth Preparation (28 – 35 weeks)

Track 3: Birth Preparation (35 – 40 weeks)

Track 4: Birth (during labour)

Track 5: Relaxing Music (any time)

The cost of the package is £30 (including p&p). I can deliver the CD’s in person to areas in the local vicinity (Sutton Coldfield). Please contact me for more information.